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Create and Manage


The openstack CLI will need to be setup to interact with the FlexiHPC system. Please read Setting up your CLI environment to interact with FlexiHPC to get started.

Create Application Credential

Running the below command will generate a new Application Credential

openstack application credential create
    [--secret <secret>]
    [--role <role>]
    [--expiration <expiration>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--access-rules <access-rules>]
--secret <secret>
Secret to use for authentication. If not provided, one will be generated
--role <role>
Roles to authorize (name or ID) (repeat option to set multiple values), if not provided this will default to same roles as the user that creates it
--expiration <expiration>
Sets an expiration date for the application credential, format of YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS, if not provided, the application credential will not expire.
--description <description>
Application credential description
Enable application credential to create and delete other application credentials and trusts


This is potentially dangerous behavior and is disabled by default

Prohibit application credential from creating and deleting other application credentials and trusts, this is enabled by default.
--access-rules <access-rules>
Either a string or file path containing a JSON-formatted list of access rules, each containing a request method, path, and service, for example ‘[{“method”: “GET”, “path”: “/v2.1/servers”, “service”: “compute”}]’
Name of the application credential

Command example below with only a name supplied

openstack application credential create wiki-test-app-creds
| Field        | Value                                                                                  |
| description  | None                                                                                   |
| expires_at   | None                                                                                   |
| id           | 0f81c516aa6e443dba0aec93b0bbd87e                                                       |
| name         | wiki-test-app-creds                                                                    |
| project_id   | 4f07cc254d6c4471805d49bae1f739b9                                                       |
| roles        | heat_stack_owner reader _member_ load-balancer_member member                           |
| secret       | <APPLICATION_CREDS_SECRET>                                                             |
| system       | None                                                                                   |
| unrestricted | False                                                                                  |
| user_id      | fb9a3d02c89e4cfdbe64658ad43ece97                                                       |


Once the Application Credentails are created the secret will be displayed. You need to take note of this now as there is no way to get that secret again and a new Application Credential will need to be created should you misplace it.

List Application Credentials

Running the below command will list all Application Credentials in your project

openstack application credential list
| ID                               | Name                | Project ID                       | Description | Expires At |
| 0f81c516aa6e443dba0aec93b0bbd87e | wiki-test-app-creds | 4f07cc254d6c4471805d49bae1f739b9 | None        | None       |

Show Application Credentials details

Running the below command will present additional details about the Application Credentials

openstack application credential show APPLICATION_CRED_ID
| Field        | Value                                                        |
| description  | None                                                         |
| expires_at   | None                                                         |
| id           | 0f81c516aa6e443dba0aec93b0bbd87e                             |
| name         | wiki-test-app-creds                                          |
| project_id   | 4f07cc254d6c4471805d49bae1f739b9                             |
| roles        | reader load-balancer_member _member_ member heat_stack_owner |
| system       | None                                                         |
| unrestricted | False                                                        |
| user_id      | fb9a3d02c89e4cfdbe64658ad43ece97                             |

Deleting Application Credentials

Run the command openstack application credential list to get the ID of the Application Credentials you would like to delete

Then with the ID run the below command to delete it

openstack application credential delete APPLICATION_CRED_ID

There will be no response, so you can run the list command again to confirm deletion