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Resizing an Instance via CLI


The openstack CLI will need to be setup to interact with the FlexiHPC system. Please read Setting up your CLI environment to interact with FlexiHPC to get started.

When resizing an instance via the CLI there are few details you will need, the Instance ID for the compute instance you want to resize and the Flavor ID you want to resize the instance to.

Run the following command to return a list of servers within your project space

openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status    | Networks                                                                  | Image                    | Flavor                |
| 6a91e5a1-cf20-4fc5-9b7c-edc2bf1b8de4 | kahu-disk-test           | ACTIVE    | NeSI-Internal-Sandbox=,                            | N/A (booted from volume) | balanced1.4cpu8ram    |

Taking note of the Instance ID


For this example we will use 6a91e5a1-cf20-4fc5-9b7c-edc2bf1b8de4

Then run the following command to return a list of flavors

openstack flavor list
| ID                                   | Name                    |    RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
| 1281555c-6bcb-42e4-a48e-98352dcd0fd0 | compute1.2cpu4ram       |   4096 |   30 |         0 |     2 | True      |
| 14505c86-765f-4971-a36f-1e867216dccf | memory1.4cpu16ram       |  16384 |   30 |         0 |     4 | True      |
| 1dbac08-d9a9-4c27-8534-57293785433e  | balanced1.32cpu64ram    |  65536 |   30 |         0 |    32 | True      |
| 2d02e6a4-3937-4ed3-951a-8e27867ff53e | balanced1.8cpu16ram     |  16384 |   30 |         0 |     8 | True      |
| 2e7b7cc7-9e29-4ff2-98dd-03dbb99dbb5c | compute1.16cpu32ram     |  32768 |   30 |         0 |    16 | True      |
| 3276cd5f-c96a-4e05-960f-f4f197142c98 | memory1.1cpu4ram        |   4096 |   30 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 3b5a6e01-d3ad-49e3-a4f8-183c04444330 | balanced1.1cpu2ram      |   2048 |   30 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 4e8af724-f66d-4072-a692-114126de25a0 | compute1.1cpu2ram       |   2048 |   30 |         0 |     1 | True      |
| 4ec785be-a422-4207-9daa-cbb71c61f9ed | devtest1.4cpu4ram       |   4096 |   30 |         0 |     4 | True      |
| 674fa81a-69c7-4bf7-b3a9-59989fb63618 | balanced1.16cpu32ram    |  32768 |   30 |         0 |    16 | True      |
| 6b2e76a8-cce0-4175-8160-76e2525d3d3d | balanced1.2cpu4ram      |   4096 |   30 |         0 |     2 | True      |
| 7af5c672-43e7-4296-9608-5974394851b8 | memory1.2cpu8ram        |   8192 |   30 |         0 |     2 | True      |
| 7ffa092c-e75a-4cb5-be9f-db8c749e8801 | compute1.4cpu8ram       |   8192 |   30 |         0 |     4 | True      |
| 8aef7f54-1ed6-4275-a38c-3f1e61afabd9 | memory1.16cpu64ram      |  65536 |   30 |         0 |    16 | True      |
| 94ba9177-cb98-4b04-870c-9a696e1c5327 | memory1.32cpu128ram     | 131072 |   30 |         0 |    32 | True      |
| 9d536959-dd7a-4532-b0b7-db8bb8a72ddb | compute1.8cpu16ram      |  16384 |   30 |         0 |     8 | True      |
| b46e184c-0dcb-44b2-a53f-c2b8eff676c9 | compute1.32cpu64ram     |  65536 |   30 |         0 |    32 | True      |
| d6e3a25a-4f9e-4c87-9342-77f807ead537 | memory1.8cpu32ram       |  32768 |   30 |         0 |     8 | True      |
| e07cfee1-43af-4bf6-baac-3bdf7c1b88f8 | balanced1.4cpu8ram      |   8192 |   30 |         0 |     4 | True      |
| e3a1ec6d-9513-4b9f-9580-671c4eee1c21 | devtest1.2cpu2ram       |   2048 |   30 |         0 |     2 | True      |
| ee55c523-9803-4296-91be-1c34e986baaa | devtest1.1cpu1ram       |   1024 |   30 |         0 |     1 | True      |

Take note of the Flavor ID


For this example we will resize to balanced1.2cpu4ram with an id of 6b2e76a8-cce0-4175-8160-76e2525d3d3d

Taking the Instance ID and Flavor ID we will add those to the following command

openstack server resize --flavor <FLAVOUR_ID> <INSTANCE_ID>

Using our example values the command will look like this

openstack server resize --flavor 6b2e76a8-cce0-4175-8160-76e2525d3d3d 6a91e5a1-cf20-4fc5-9b7c-edc2bf1b8de4

You will not get a response from the endpoint on success

So you will want to run the following command to see when its in the state of verify_resize

openstack server show <INSTANCE_ID>

This will return the server details and there will be the status

| status                              | VERIFY_RESIZE

You will then need to run the command below to verify the resize

openstack server resize confirm <INSTANCE_ID>

Using the example values the command will be the following

openstack server resize confirm 6a91e5a1-cf20-4fc5-9b7c-edc2bf1b8de4

Again there wont be a response from the endpoint so we will call the command openstack server show again to confirm the status of the instance

openstack server show <INSTANCE_ID>

The status of the instance should now be ACTIVE

| status                              | ACTIVE

You should also see the new flavor that the instance has been resized too

| flavor                              | balanced1.2cpu4ram (balanced1.2cpu4ram)