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Create and Manage


The openstack CLI will need to be setup to interact with the FlexiHPC system. Please read Setting up your CLI environment to interact with FlexiHPC to get started.

Create new container

Running the below command will generate a new container within the projects object storage

openstack container create <CONTAINER_NAME>

You will get a response from the server that looks like the following

| account     | container        | x-trans-id                  |
| AUTH_<GUID> | <CONTAINER_NAME> | tx00000<X_TRANS_GUID>-akl-1 |

List containers

Running the below command will list all containers within the projects object storage

openstack container list
| Name             |
| a-test-container |
| boto3-test       |
| cli-container    |
| terraform-state  |

The command openstack container list also has some additional parameters

--prefix <prefix>
Filter the list using a prefix, example if we use the prefix a then the only container returned would the a-test-container
--marker <marker>
Start anchor for paging is used when you wish to return a specified list of containers should you have a lot of them
--end-marker <end-marker>
End anchor for paging
--limit <num-containers>
Limit the number of containers returned
List additional fields in output that contain the amount of space used and number of files inside the container
List all containers (default is 10000)

Display container details

Running the below command will display additional details about the container specified

openstack container show CONTAINER_NAME
| Field          | Value                                 |
| account        | AUTH_<AUTH_TOKEN>                     |
| bytes_used     | 0                                     |
| container      | <CONTAINER_NAME>                      |
| object_count   | 0                                     |
| storage_policy | default-placement                     |

Save container contents local

Running the below command will save all the container contents to your local directory where you run the command

openstack container save CONTAINER_NAME

Delete container

Run the openstack container list command first to get the name of the container you wish to delete

openstack container list
| Name             |
| a-test-container |
| boto3-test       |
| cli-container    |
| terraform-state  |

Then run the below command to delete the container you wish to remove

openstack container delete CONTAINER_NAME

Your container should then be removed, however should you container contain any files you will get the following error

openstack container delete a-test-container
Conflict (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: tx00000a9dff65235cbe523-0064dadec9-a09387f-akl-1)

Supplying the --recursive, -r parameter will delete all files within that container before deleting it

openstack container delete --recursive <CONTAINER_NAME>